2020-05-24 St. E Weekly Update 頌主堂本週報告

(Please scroll down for English version. 简体文本请往下看。)

五月廿四日 復活期第七主日

本週和前幾週的報告也在此網頁: https://www.stechurch.com/announcementsch/

  1. 本主日早上十時嘗試採用ZOOM進行虛擬英語崇拜
  2. 「爾國臨格」Thy Kingdom Come”國際性禱告
  3. 祈德谷青年信號燈(YCV Youth Beacon)採用ZOOM為“Thy Kingdom Come”「爾國臨格」於五月廿九日晚上七時安排的項目﹕
  4. 虛擬主日學
  5. 代禱網絡
    • 謹以沉重的心情向大家報告一個令人悲傷的消息,我們敬愛的陶德言法政牧師在五月九日星期六約下午五時,在醫院就醫期間,受新型冠狀病毒誘發致病情複雜化而與世長辭。彌留期間,珍妮主教通過電話為他祈禱。願陶法政牧師靈魂得安息!請為他的遺孀LORI–ANNE師母—陶樂恩教授及家屬們祈禱,願主安慰他們!
    • 請大家為準備將要稍多於半年後到頌主堂來事奉的署理主任牧師—林傳道和她全家代禱;又為全體會友及各項事工的領袖祈禱,好使他們在過渡期間作出預備時,都能滿有耐性,得到引領和充滿智慧。
  6. 整理教會花園
    • 請各教友抽空為我們的教會今年第一次的清除雜草和整理花圃。如果情況許可,請自攜園藝工具。有意者請聯絡司徒博恩(Paul Seto )或電郵info@stechurch.com。我們將為每一個家庭安排一個時段,以遵守社會隔離限制。
  7. 「信心工作」特別籌募運動
    • 聖公會多倫多教區每年的信心工作籌募運動,是為提供關懷與希望的社會服務事工而設,在這疫症漫延之際,對這方面的支持尤其重要,為此,有善長承諾以一對一的比例,捐出「信心工作」在本年底前所籌得的款項(以十萬元為限)。
    • 頌主堂以往都有參與「信心工作」籌募運動,在此緊張時刻,決定響應「信心工作」之緊急呼籲,發起教友為「信心工作」籌募作出特別捐獻,捐款可以在頌主堂網頁捐獻網址https://www.stechurch.com/donate 進行,捐款項目請選擇「其他OTHER」並註明「信心工作」我們希望在五月底將籌集得的款項轉交教區「信心工作」,如想對「信心工作」加深了解及他們現在有什麼特別急切的需要,請到「信心工作」的網站查閱 faithworks.ca
  8. 頌主堂愛與關懷基金
    • 現時我們正處身於紛擾的期間中,大家或者要分別面對各自的挑戰;假如您所遇到的困難是能以一定數額的金錢上的支緩而得到輔助的話,請別忘記頌主堂設立了的一項名為「愛與關顧基金」用以讓有需要的會友申請。(考慮申請者請參閱附件
    • 提交申請者、需幫忙作出申請或查詢可電郵(info@stechurch.com)。
    • 我們對各善長以往曾經捐款給這基金,幫助有需要的人致上感謝;如果大家有捐獻此基金的心,請在線填寫有關表格:(https://www.stechurch.com/donate)。請選取「其它OTHER」及填入說明MESSAGE:「愛與關顧基金」。
  9. 證道https://www.stechurch.com/sermons
  10. 即時播送或錄像崇拜 https://www.stechurch.com/services
  11. 每週的禱文和經
  12. 英語線上祈禱會


May 24, 2020 7th Sunday of Easter

This and prior weeks' announcements are posted on this webpage:  https://www.stechurch.com/announcements

  1. Virtual English Worship 10am Today on Zoom
  2. “Thy Kingdom Come” International Prayer Initiative
  3. May 29 7pm “Thy Kingdom Come” Youth Beacon Event on Zoom
  4. Virtual Sunday School
  5. Prayer Items
    • Please pray for our future Priest-in-Charge, Pastor Maria Ling and her family as they prepare in the coming months to serve at St. E. Also, pray for our parishioners and ministry leaders for guidance, patience and wisdom as we prepare for the transition
  6. Church Gardening
    • We are looking for your help in cleaning up our church garden. Please contact Paul Seto or email info@stechurch.com to sign up. In following with the social distancing restrictions, we will be scheduling one family in each time slot. If you have gardening tools at home, please help us out by bringing your own.
  7. FaithWorks Special Donation
    • FaithWorks is the annual appeal of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto building communities of compassion and hope. Particularly during this pandemic, there is an increased need at FaithWorks for special donations. Currently, FaithWorks has a donor who has offered a $100,000 matching challenge for all new or increased donations in 2020. 
    • We at St. E would like to contribute in helping this worthwhile ministry as we do each year in seeking special donations from our parishioners. If you wish to donate to support this fund, you can also do so through our online donation form: https://www.stechurch.com/donate . Please select Fund type as "Other" and enter "FaithWorks" in the message specify to donate to this fund. We plan to make our next remittance of donations to FaithWorks at the end of May.
    • Please go to their website www.faithworks.ca and click on 'How will my gift be used' to see which ministries are closest to you so that you may contact them directly and find out what their immediate needs may be. It could be thermometers, take-out containers or someone to sew masks.
  8. St. E's Love and Care Fund
    • While we are in this troubling time, we understand that you may be facing different challenges. If you are experiencing difficulties which could be helped with some financial support, we want to remind you of the availability of St. E's "Love and Care Fund". This is open to application for our members (please see attached for application). 
    • Please email info@stechurch.com application submission or for further inquiries or assistance. 
    • We are thankful to have received donations in the past to this fund to help those in need. If you wish to donate to support this fund, you can also do so through our online donation form: https://www.stechurch.com/donate . Please select Fund type as "Other" and enter "Love and Care Fund" in the message specify to donate to this fund. 
  9. Sermons https://www.stechurch.com/sermons
  10. Livestream or Recorded Services https://www.stechurch.com/services.
  11. Weekly Prayers & Readings
  12.  English Online Prayer Meeting



本周和前几周的报告也在此网页: https://www.stechurch.com/announcementsch/

  1. 本主日早上十时尝试采用ZOOM行虚崇拜
  2. 格」“Thy Kingdom Come”国性祷告
  3. 祈德谷青年信号灯(YCV Youth Beacon)采用ZOOM为“Thy Kingdom Come”「尔国临格」于五月廿九日晚上七时安排的项目﹕
  4. 虚拟主日学
  5. 代祷网络
    • 请大家为准备将要稍多于半年后到颂主堂来事奉的署理主任牧师—林传道和她全家代祷;又为全体会友及各项事工的领袖祈祷,好使他们在过渡期间作出预备时,都能满有耐性,得到引领和充满智慧。
  6. 整理教会花园
    • 请各教友抽空为我们的教会今年第一次的清除杂草和整理花圃。如果情况许可,请自携园艺工具。有意者请联络司徒博恩(Paul Seto )或电邮info@stechurch.com。我们将为每一个家庭安排一个时段,以遵守社会隔离限制。
  7. 「信心工作」特别筹募运动
    • 圣公会多伦多教区每年的信心工作筹募运动,是为提供关怀与希望的社会服务事工而设,在这疫症漫延之际,对这方面的支持尤其重要,为此,有善长承诺以一对一的比例,捐出「信心工作」在本年底前所筹得的款项(以十万元为限)。
    • 颂主堂以往都有参与「信心工作」筹募运动,在此紧张时刻,决定响应「信心工作」之紧急呼吁,发起教友为「信心工作」筹募作出特别捐献,捐款可以在颂主堂网页捐献网址https://www.stechurch.com/donate 进行,捐款项目请选择「其他OTHER」并注明「信心工作」我们希望在五月底将筹集得的款项转交教区「信心工作」,如想对「信心工作」加深了解及他们现在有什么特别急切的需要,请到「信心工作」的网站查阅www.faithworks.ca
  8. 颂主堂爱与关怀基金
    • 现时我们正处身于纷扰的期间中,大家或者要分别面对各自的挑战;假如您所遇到的困难是能以一定数额的金钱上的支缓而得到辅助的话,请别忘记颂主堂设立了的一项名为「爱与关顾基金」用以让有需要的会友申请。 (考虑申请者请参阅附件
    • 提交申请者、需帮忙作出申请或查询可电邮(info@stechurch.com)。
    • 我们对各善长以往曾经捐款给这基金,帮助有需要的人致上感谢;如果大家有捐献此基金的心,请在线填写有关表格:(https://www.stechurch.com/donate) 。请选取「其它OTHER」及填入说明MESSAGE:「爱与关顾基金」。
  9. 证道 https://www.stechurch.com/sermons
  10. 即时播送或录像崇拜 https://www.stechurch.com/services
  11. 每周的祷文和经课
  12. 英语线上祈祷会